Saturday, July 24, 2010

how much sugical technician san francisco makes

im sure everyone wonders "if i was a surgical technician san francisco, how much will i make." well, if your good at passing instruments to a surgeon, keeping the surgeon and nurse happy. making sure that the nurse dosent run around like her head is cut off. and checking vital signs, you will make real good money. techs get paid off good, and plus if you work in the hospital, you will get excellent benifits. this job does not require a college education or degree and you still make good money and plus this field is will respected. also when you tell people what you do, they will be amazed and see you as high status, trust me on that one. just tell them you went out with some surgeons to starbucks and they will be amazed.

If your wondering about annual salary, surgical technician san francisco get paid any where from 20,000 to 50,000. depending where your from, its all different. sometimes youll get paid even more if you have a specialty. i have friends that work neuro and they make the big bucks. you can say they always treat everyone out for lunch unless the rep's dosent bring any food.

the average annual salary for techs in 2008 was around 40,000. now thats real good for someone who dosent have a college degree. plus if you want to learn this field and then move to nurse position for the OR. it will be a easy transition because you will know everything.

hourly rates will go any where from 17 to 27 an hour depending on your speciality and experiance. my best friend thats a tech started around 25 an hour and this is in the the bay area. he has a kid and he's doing good for being 20 years old.

if you want to make good money, i would advice you to build your experiance and also have a specialized case that you work in. it can be anything form plastic to neuro. or even ortho or organ transplant. thats the good place to start for a surgical technician san francisco if you want to make that money. i have friends that specialize in cardiology and they make good money. so you know, they make around 30 a hour and they for some reason always have a big smile on there face. and by the way, techs that work in the room love what they do, its a interesting job and its fun. its just amazing to save a person life. but anyways, i got to get going. i have work in the morning. good luck to anyone whos trying to become a surgical technician san francisco site

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