Thursday, July 22, 2010

so you want to go to school to become a surgical technician san francisco

i thought it would be cool to write a article for how to become a surgical technician san francisco in the city. i was thinking of my experiance and others on how we got this far. surgery technician are called different names all over, some people refer us to scrub techs, surgical techs or even OR techs. we all work with doctors, nurses and surgeons, big time ballers =) we do alot in the hospital, we check on the patient if they have the okay to go. we help the nurses if need to transport the patient to the OR. we also help set up and prepare for suregery such as putting the patient on the bed, prepping the patient. basicly everything. we also deal with meds before and during and after surgery, counting and watching for the patient making sure that there not allergic to anything such as latex, drugs, ect. we have alot of responsabilities as techs, such as setting up for surgery with the instruments, checking room equipment, passing instruments, thinking two steps ahead of the surgeon. gowning and gloving the surgeon for surgery. keeping track of everything from equipment to instruments. its a big duty but somebody has to do it =) to become a surgical technician san francisco, we have to go through a long process of school. and it also requires alot of studying and lab time. unless your gifted and you have a perfect memory, i would say you would need to study alot. oh my gosh, i study my tail off to get where i am and its also worth the studying. for my experiance, i would advice anyone to be finish with there ged or high school diploma. if you are in high school, i highly reccomend for you to take biology, health and math classes. it will all pay off in the end, trust me... take college courses that relate to those subjects, do some intership jobs at your local hospital for central processing to learn your instruments and networking. i highly reccommend you to network if you want to get in this field. the more people you know the better. they can give you a letter of reccomendation and thats always good. so like i said, do some clincal work that relates to this job. becoming a surgical technician san francisco isnt easy but rewarding at the end. trust me... well thats all i have so far to write about that.

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