Tuesday, July 20, 2010

this is just a blogg off my head about how i feel about surgical technician san francisco

so today i had a discussion with one of my coworkers about becoming a surgical technician san francisco. this person has over 15 years experiance as a surgical tech and is known well by the doctors and surgical tech's in our town. i told this person my plan, that i want to move to the bay area to become a tech and i was down here because i had to put some of my time up for my experiance and personlly i feel this experiance is just to damn long. my buddy told me to get the hell out of here and go for my dream, but make sure that i know my stuff, study hard because i will need to be well train and go for my dream, thats the bottom line. so i thought about it and i felt like thats right on the point, why live here because im wasting my time... i also wonder what it would be like if i live in the east coast or over sea because they do traveling techs but i dont know if i would be ready for that and basicly i dont have any experiance.... so i guess i should just become a surgical technician san francisco and just go for it like my buddy the pro told me... i also discuss it with some close family friends and they said that i should go for it, i know they feel like they miss me but oh well... i should just suck it up, get my experiance and then just get the hell out of here... lol... sounds like i hate the town but im staying because i just love what i do... so anyways, imma get going biatches....

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